Senso Sounds has been redefining techno since 2014, becoming a home for forward thinking and sharp edged beats that have rocked dance floors from Berlin to Sao Paulo. Founded by one of the scene’s most consistent producers and DJs - Oliver Huntemann - Senso has almost a hundred releases under the belt, from many of the defining artists of the last decade. Every so often the label drops a collection showcasing some of the artists that need to be on your radar,
and Senso Sounds Level 11 doesn’t fail to deliver.
Metodi Hristov drops Warp Drive - a fittingly titled track that starts as it means to go on - hurtling
through space at breakneck speed. The drums and percs fire the whole thing along while the
bass and pads bring a sense of movement and excitement that never lets up. Strap in for this
Kaufmann’s Unravel Me sits nicely in this compilation - a tightly wound track that builds its
energy over the full almost 9 minutes. The almost motorik drums maintain the groove while alien
sounds and metallic stabs add drama and energy. The vocal is a perfect encouragement to let go
and feel the moment in all its glory.
Luis M’s Invisible Light is a hard-packed bomb - the groove is tight, built around a thick kick and
precision hats and percussion. As the track progresses arpeggiated synths and dense slabs of
sound wash across the track - the atmosphere is electric.
01. Metodi Hristov: Warp Drive
02. Kaufmann: Unravel Me
03. Luis M: Invisible Light